Energy Policy

Zerhusen Kartonagen GmbH has introduced its own energy management system (EnMS), the extent of which covers the entire company, is structured according to the requirements of DIN EN ISO 50001 and is reviewed annually by internal and external audits.

This means creating and maintaining structures and implementing measures to procure resources even more efficiently and continuously improve our energy efficiency.

We Attach Particular Importance to:

  • definition, implementation and review of the strategic and operational objectives, measures and action plans derived from the energy policy,
  • all energy-related employees are integrated into the implementation and execution of the energy management system and responsibilities are defined,
  • regular evaluation of the effectiveness and appropriateness of own facilities, processes and management systems as well as energy-related performance, with regard to energy efficiency, energy use and energy consumption,
  • Continuous development of own facilities and processes under economic conditions,
  • Determining, evaluating and fulfilling all requirements under energy law and beyond with regard to energy use, energy efficiency and energy consumption, including obliging all suppliers working for the division to comply with legal requirements,
  • Procurement and acquisition of products and services taking into account energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness,
  • Raising awareness and instructing all own employees and those working for the division on the subject of energy efficiency by implementing suitable communication measures.

As "top management" in the sense of DIN EN ISO 50001, the management is responsible for the implementation of this energy policy, provides all necessary personnel and financial resources, and ensures the permanent implementation and continuous further development of the EnMS.

Photos: Gerald Lampe · foto:hölzen GmbH · Dinklage

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